Feeling truly blessed after listening to a Sermon at Warriors for Christ. A powerful message that resonated with me was the idea that faith isn't just a belief that everything will be alright, but instead, it's an action.
How many times have we relied solely on the knowledge immediately in front of us, the logical and tangible, to make our decisions? But what if God is calling us to tap into our intuition, our inner knowing, and step outside the realm of logic?
Faith, as I see it now, might be much more proactive than we often perceive it to be. It's about making bold moves, like changing careers without a guaranteed outcome or expressing ourselves, sharing our thoughts and ideas, and putting ourselves out there, despite not knowing how people might react.
This teaching has given me a new perspective on faith and its role in our lives. It's not just a passive thought, but an active force, driving us to step out of our comfort zones and trust in God's plan for us, even when it doesn't align with what seems logical or safe.
To anyone reading this … I encourage you to be scared, embrace uncertainty, embrace the unknown and take the leap of faith